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        --〉按回溯数据库浏览: Springer     OUP     Nature     IOP     Turpion     OVID     RSC     BMJ     IET     ADIS     AIP     NRC     RSNA     MAL     [Karger]     WILEY     Taylor     ASPB     JAMA     Degruyter     NEJM    
        Karger(Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers)是位于瑞士的一家医学、生物学专业出版社,创立于1890年。NSTL购买的Karger回溯期刊数据库(Karger Journals Archive Collection)包括Karger旗下68种期刊第一卷第一期(1种除外)至1997年(含)的所有卷期约19万篇全文,最远回溯到1893年。68种期刊涵盖生物学、肿瘤、皮肤病、神经、妇产科、小儿科、心理等学科主题。 http://www.karger.com/
        高级检索 期刊浏览

        共 68 种期刊

        序号 刊名 ISSN 收录起止年
        1 Acta Cytologica 0001-5547 1996-1997
        2 Acta Haematologica 0001-5792 1948-1997
        3 American Journal of Nephrology 0250-8095 1981-1997
        4 Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 0250-6807 1959-1997
        5 Audiology and Neurotology 1420-3030 1996-1997
        6 Blood Purification 0253-5068 1983-1997
        7 Brain, Behavior and Evolution 0006-8977 1968-1997
        8 Cardiology 0008-6312 1937-1997
        9 Caries Research 0008-6568 1967-1997
        10 Cells Tissues Organs 1422-6405 1945-1997
        11 Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 1015-8987 1991-1997
        12 Cerebrovascular Diseases 1015-9770 1991-1997
        13 Chemotherapy 0009-3157 1960-1997
        14 Chirurgische Gastroenterologie 1662-6664 1992-1997
        15 Cytogenetic and Genome Research 1424-8581 1962-1997
        16 Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 1420-8008 1990-1997
        17 Dermatology 1018-8665 1893-1997
        18 Developmental Neuroscience 0378-5866 1978-1997
        19 Digestion 0012-2823 1896-1997
        20 Digestive Diseases 0257-2753 1983-1997
        21 Digestive Surgery 0253-4886 1984-1997
        22 European Addiction Research 1022-6877 1995-1997
        23 European Neurology 0014-3022 1897-1997
        24 European Surgical Research 0014-312X 1969-1997
        25 Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 1015-3837 1986-1997
        26 Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 1021-7762 1949-1997
        27 Folia Primatologica 0015-5713 1963-1997
        28 Forschende Komplementärmedizin / Research in Complementary Medicine 1661-4119 1994-1997
        29 Gerontologia Clinica 0016-8998 1959-1975
        30 Gerontology 0304-324X 1957-1997
        31 Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau 1018-8843 1964-1997
        32 Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 0378-7346 1895-1997
        33 Hormone Research in Paediatrics 1663-2818 1970-1997
        34 Human Development 0018-716X 1958-1997
        35 Human Heredity 0001-5652 1950-1997
        36 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 1018-2438 1950-1997
        37 International Journal of Microcirculation 0167-6865 1994-1997
        38 Intervirology 0300-5526 1973-1997
        39 Journal of Vascular Research 1018-1172 1964-1997
        40 Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 1420-4096 1978-1997
        41 Medical Principles and Practice 1011-7571 1989-1997
        42 Neonatology 1661-7800 1959-1997
        43 Nephron 1660-8151 1964-1997
        44 Neuroendocrinology 0028-3835 1965-1997
        45 Neuroepidemiology 0251-5350 1982-1997
        46 Neuroimmunomodulation 1021-7401 1994-1997
        47 Neuropsychobiology 0302-282X 1975-1997
        48 Neurosignals 1424-862X 1992-1997
        49 Oncology 0030-2414 1948-1997
        50 Onkologie 0378-584X 1978-1997
        51 Ophthalmic Research 0030-3747 1970-1997
        52 Ophthalmologica 0030-3755 1899-1997
        53 ORL 0301-1569 1938-1997
        54 Pathobiology 1015-2008 1938-1997
        55 Pathology and Immunopathology Research 0257-2761 1983-1989
        56 Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis 1424-8832 1972-1997
        57 Pediatric Neurosurgery 1016-2291 1975-1997
        58 Pharmacology 0031-7012 1959-1997
        59 Phonetica 0031-8388 1957-1997
        60 Psychopathology 0254-4962 1968-1997
        61 Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 0033-3190 1953-1997
        62 Respiration 0025-7931 1944-1997
        63 Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 1660-5527 1988-1997
        64 Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 1011-6125 1938-1997
        65 Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy 1660-3796 1973-1997
        66 Tumor Biology 1010-4283 1987-1997
        67 Urologia Internationalis 0042-1138 1955-1997
        68 Verhaltenstherapie 1016-6262 1991-1997