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        --〉按回溯数据库浏览: Springer     OUP     Nature     [IOP]     Turpion     OVID     RSC     BMJ     IET     ADIS     AIP     NRC     RSNA     MAL     Karger     WILEY     Taylor     ASPB     JAMA     Degruyter     NEJM    
        IOP(英国物理学会)网络版期刊回溯数据库覆盖学科包括:应用物理,计算机科学,凝聚态和材料科学,物理总论,高能和核能物理,数学和应用数学、数学物理,测量科学和传感器,医学和生物学,光学、原子和分子物理,物理教育学,等离子物理等。 NSTL购买的IOP回溯数据库,时间范围从1874年到2002年,包括66种刊,1200多卷,191901篇全文,共200多万页。 http://www.iop.org/
        高级检索 期刊浏览
        结果每页显示条数 排序:
      1. 2D Materials
      2. Applied Physics Express
      3. British Journal of Applied Physics
      4. Chinese Physics
      5. Chinese Physics Letters
      6. Classical and Quantum Gravity
      7. Clinical Physics and Physiological Measurement
      8. Distributed Systems Engineering
      9. EPL (Europhysics Letters)
      10. European Journal of Physics
      11. Inverse Problems
      12. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
      13. Journal of High Energy Physics
      14. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
      15. Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part C, Plasma Physics, Accelerators, Thermonuclear Research
      16. Journal of Optics
      17. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics
      18. Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics
      19. Journal of Physics A: General Physics
      20. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
      21. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General
      22. Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics
      23. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
      24. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics
      25. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
      26. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments
      27. Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics
      28. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
      29. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics
      30. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
      31. Journal of Radiological Protection
      32. Journal of Scientific Instruments
      33. Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection
      34. Laser Physics
      35. Laser Physics Letters
      36. Materials Research Express
      37. Measurement Science and Technology
      38. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence
      39. Metrologia
      40. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
      41. Nanotechnology
      42. New Journal of Physics
      43. Nonlinearity
      44. Nouvelle Revue d'Optique
      45. Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliqu�e
      46. Nuclear Fusion
      47. Physica Scripta
      48. Physics Education
      49. Physics in Medicine and Biology
      50. Physics in Technology
      51. Physiological Measurement
      52. Plasma Physics
      53. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
      54. Plasma Science and Technology
      55. Plasma Sources Science and Technology
      56. Proceedings of the Physical Society
      57. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London
      58. Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section A
      59. Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B
      60. Pure and Applied Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part A
      61. Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B
      62. Quantum Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B
      63. Reports on Progress in Physics
      64. Review of Physics in Technology
      65. Semiconductor Science and Technology
      66. Smart Materials and Structures
      67. Superconductor Science and Technology
      68. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties
      69. Transactions of the Optical Society
      70. Translational Materials Research